Saturday, July 10, 2010

Coming to a Close

Well we have one week left in the great nation of South Africa. Our experience has been so incredible. We have been stretched, taught, and molded in ways we never imagined. We have laid bricks, wheelbarreled (dont know how to spell that) cement, dug trenches for water lines, taught soccer clinics, given out boots, eaten goat stomach, and attended a zulu wedding and sadly a funeral as well.

This place has challenged us more than ever to forsake "The American Dream". We have given that up. Who wants to work really hard for 30 years at a desk, make a lot of money and retire in Florida anyways?? that is a rubbish life if you ask me. We have eaten crusts on one day and "caviar" (not really but its a quote from a book) the next day. We know that God will satisfy all our needs on this earth. Our passion for the nations has never been greater. We know we cannot fulfill the Great Commission on our own, but as a body of believers we can surely take part. This journey has been incredible as we have interacted with so many cultures. The other day we had seven nations represented on the football pitch (USA, England, South Korea, Nigeria, Brazil, Australia, and South Africa). Football just unites the world like nothing else I have found on this Earth. It is such a tremendous way to begin a relationship with a complete stranger. What better way to share the Gospel then through the beautiful game?

Our hearts have been broken by the things we have seen today. We attended the funeral of a nine year old boy. He was the sweetest kid at this particular school where we have been working and building bathrooms. He was the first person to learn my name at the school and he smiled so big each day we came. He would run down the street and wave goodbye as we drove off. He had a tragic accident involving electrical wires and he breathed his last on the 5th of July. Today just brought me to tears. Life is so short. We can only make the most of every day that is given to us. Thankfully, he had heard the Good News of Jesus Christ and the hope that the cross brings to the Lost. As a result, there was much singing and rejoicing at the Wedding.

Russell and Precious' house is almost completely finished with interior walls and roof intact. We are praying that it is completely finished by the time we fly back to America. Thank you all for your support during this journey. We only have one week left. We are going to live it up and take every moment captive. Fight the good fight.

One World Watching,
T & B


  1. Still praying! So proud of you guys and thankful we could live it vicariously through you and your journal entries! To God be the glory!!!

    Mr. and Mrs. P

  2. wow, what a ministry you have had there, and i agree with your passion about forsaking the "american dream"..... our lives are fleeting, and your words reminded me of john piper's "don't waste your life"...... your ministry there has been truly God's hands to these people! sad to hear of that sweet boy's death, but so glad that there was peace and comfort through the Word having gone out into hearts......God bless your ministry!
    Teri Dufilho

  3. We are praying for you, Thad! What a ministry you have had! Thank you for challenging me to live life to the fullest. It is indeed short, and God expects us to share His love through Christ wherever we are! I know you are doing just that.
    We will contiue to pray for the children even after you return. May God richly bless you and especially this last week!
    Praising Him for you,
    Ellen Forrester
